Tagged: travel

A Return to Bergen

A few years back, I went to Oslo for work. At the end of my trip, I had a couple of spare days, so I flew to Bergen and took the glacier train back....

Scenes from Bergen, Norway – Part 2

Flying into Bergen reminded me of flying into Seattle, except all those hills and islands were bare and green instead of peppered with houses over every square inch. There is no practical way to...

Scenes from Bergen, Norway – Part 1

This week I was in Oslo for SQLSaturday #667 – I gave a pre-con on Friday, then two regular sessions and a vendor spotlight on Saturday. I posted my regular session slide decks and...

Where I was on 9/11

Luke & I – September 2001 About a week before that fateful day 15 years ago, I landed at MSP to meet with my good friend Luke Magnus. We were in a group of...

A Week in Poland, Part 2 : Auschwitz I

I feel all kinds of different emotions for all kinds of different people – sorrow, envy, pity, joy. But nothing is as breathtaking as stepping inside a concentration camp, and the inevitable and involuntary...

A Week in Poland, Part 1 : Wrocław

This week I’ve been in Poland – for the first half of the week I spoke at SQLDay in Wrocław, and now I’m doing some tooling around the country. This was some fantastic isolated...