March 2024 – Can/Am Cup

(Sorry, this was sitting in my drafts folder for months!)

I’ll save the suspense: I once again did not win the Can/Am Cup. And after several years of losing in the finals, this time, my team didn’t make it past the semis. I’m not sure which is worse.


Every year we always try to do something as a big group they day before, the day after, or both. We’ve gone ice fishing, played pond hockey, rented a skating rink… This year, the day before the tournament, my sister arranged for all of us to visit a farm, and it was way more fun than I remembered petting zoos as a kid. Just please don’t tell customs.

The actual curling

Day of, we had a pretty good crowd, but not a ton of pictures, unfortunately:


The evening after the tournament traditionally leads to a get together at Dan’s or, for the past couple of years, the loft. Sometimes it draws some quite unexpected people, but this year was quiet. (In 2025, it looks like our loft is not available.)

On our last night, we tried to catch the northern lights (up on Thibeault Hill, near the old Northern Lights roller rink!), but it was too cloudy.

Coming in 2025? Our date is Saturday, March 22nd. Remember, there are prizes! (And yes, the trophy has a new topper – and its very own Pelican case – thanks to Andy Mallon!)