We took Madeline up to Maine for the weekend. Nicole scored us a great deal at the Harborside in Bar Harbor. And when we arrived we told the folks at the front desk that we had a baby – and they decked us out in a massive, isolated suite. I don’t think this was the biggest room in the hotel, but it was pretty close (see the red dot):
We did a lot of driving. And we listened to a crapload of 80s music. We played a little game: every time a Genesis or Phil Collins song came on, we’d guess whether Genesis was involved or not. Nicole went 0 for 5. I was only slightly better at 1 for 5. We went through some towns that didn’t make sense. Can you imagine the conversation here? “Hey, I’m from Maine too! Where did you grow up?” “A little town we like to call T9-SD!” “That’s nuts! I grew up right next door, in T10-SD!” “Shut up!”
We visited four lighthouses: Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, West Quoddy Head Light (the Easternmost point in the continental 48), Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, and Portland Head Light. I think this is my favorite picture from the lighthouses (from Quoddy Head State Park):
We saw some great sights in Acadia National Park as well. We took the road up to the top of Cadillac Mountain, and saw a cruise ship in one direction, and a great sunset in the other:
Portland Head Light would have been better if it weren’t foggy. It meant we got to hear the fog sirens in action, but it made for craptastic pictures:
The other thing I didn’t like about this stop? Someone asked if Madeline was my grandson. (1) I may have a lot of grey hair, but I’m far too svelte to be a grandpa, right? And (2) the pink blanket clearly means she would be my granddaughter.
Tonight we got home and took it easy. Madeline had another apprehensive bath:
We took plenty more pictures that you cans scroll through below:
- Some bridge on Coastal Route 1
- Escape route from our room
- Nicole enjoying a beer at Paddy’s in Bar Harbor
- Portland Head Light
- Nicole enjoying bisque & a beer at Ogunquit Lobster Pound
- Uh, I’m still not too sure about this!
- Some history I didn’t know
- Portland Head Light in the fog
- Big spider Nicole shot with a zoom lens
- Tall ship in Southwest Harbor
- Southwest Harbor
- Bell at Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse.
- Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse. Underwhelming.
- Great sunset
- Spooky house again
- Spooky house
- Neat causeway at low tide
- Madeline at Thunder Hole
- Thunder Hole. Kind of boring on this day.
- Me
- Nicole
- Nicole & Madeline
- Cruise ship again
- Cruise ship from Cadillac Mountain
- Entering T10-SD
- Entering T9-SD
- Me at Lubec, Maine
- Madeline at Quoddy
- Quoddy Head Point Light
- FDR bridge to Canada
- Joe advertises
- Nicole
- Reminded me of LaRock for some reason
- Pemaquid Point
- Nicole and Madeline at Pemaquid Point Light
- Pemaquid Point Lighthouse